It Advice and Computer Support for small businesses in Belfast Northern Ireland by Wilson Computers
As of 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was enforced in accordance with the European Union (EU) requirements, it is a regulation that impacts all shape and size of businesses in Belfast and Northern Ireland. From sole proprietary to the multi-billion pounds organizations as they will all need to comply with the…
Outsourcing computer services and IT functions, whether be it simple tasks or professional functions, has become common practice today with businesses in Northern Ireland. As it saves not only time but resources and money. And while many companies will be generally apprehensive in outsourcing most core functions, they are more than happy to pass over…
Outsourcing IT support and solutions can be intimidating for any organisation, with the vested time and money as well as the handing over of sensitive data. And it can just be a daunting process. In this jet-age, when the IT industry is growing like never before, it is a must to pick the best fit…
The industry of cybercrime has been around since the advent of the internet, and with modern-day malware and vulnerabilities, the industry is growing every day. It also affects one and all of us as we are all connected to the network. Unfortunately there is no real way to completely rid of cybercrime, so, instead, we…