Here at Wilson Computers we monitor hundreds of computers in real time to protect our clients from a wide variety of malicious cyber attacks. Recently we have seen a surge in the two most common threats, ransomware and phishing. On a daily basis, local businesses just like yours are being scammed out of large sums of money. Knowing what to watch out for could prevent you and your business becoming the next victim.
Ransomware is malware that encrypts your files and attempts to extort money to release an unlock code. It is often the case that these files are unrecoverable, and we would strongly advise against paying the ransom. Businesses who backup regularly can delete the infection and restore files from a recent backup. Those without a good backup regime could be in trouble.
Phishing is when someone poses as a trustworthy contact to extract sensitive information or to defraud a company. The most common version of this attack is when an email account is compromised and used to convince someone to transfer funds. Unfortunately, this can often mean the money is unrecoverable and we have seen cases where the amount has been upwards of £100,000.
How to protect yourself
Firewall and antivirus software are essential tools in the fight against cyber-crime but on their own they are not enough. It is very important that users stay alert and exercise caution when carrying out their daily tasks. It is nearly always the case that security breaches, data loss and fraud incidents can be traced back to the actions of a member of staff.
As these attacks become more sophisticated it is essential that end users keep on their toes and carry out due diligence before divulging sensitive information or transferring money. Basic actions such as phoning customers and suppliers to check bank details or verifying that an email is genuine before clicking a link, could really make the difference between being a smart worker or another cyber-crime victim.
If in doubt, ask for advice from an I.T. support company such as ourselves. That’s what we are here for!